Financial and personal security are a fundamental right of all humans and still remain elusive. A quarter of India’s population lives below poverty line. 30.9 per cent of the rural population and 26.4 per cent of the urban population were below the poverty line in 2014. Unemployment rate in India is at 4.9%, with only 52.5% of labor force participation rate, which means almost half the population of employable age is not actively employed. In the area of personal security, 2.8 million incidences of crimes were reported in 2014 which shows 7.7 per cent increase from the 2013. In 2014, crime against women rose by 9.16 per cent, vs. 2013. We need to retool our strategies to eradicate poverty, secure lives of millions of people who are displaced, injured, and lost due to violence. Let us address these challenges that will help: (a) Eliminate all forms of hazards and violence against women, children, aged, and disabled including trafficking and other types of exploitation, (b) Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including for young people and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value, (c) Eradicate forced and child labor, modern slavery and human trafficking (d)Protect labor rights and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers.

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