Register at DISQ

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'Register for being a change maker'
Please provide all your details carefully, they will be used for screening of your profile for DIGITAL IMPACT SQUARE

Password must be between 6-20 characters and must contain an Uppercase, Lowercase, Numeral & Special Character

You can select more than one option

Please type to select your location from the list
Please type to select one from the above list. If not found in the list, click on 'Add from OTHERS' to add your Organization (or) College Name
Please type to select one or add new. If you prefer to add from previous select, click on 'Select from PREVIOUS' to add your Organization (or) College Name
Attach your latest picture in JPG/JPEG/PNG formatAttach your latest resume in pdf/doc/odt format. We will use this to evaluate your applicationAttach a link to a 1-2 minute video, telling us your aspirations, and why we should select you to be a part of Digital Impact Square. Kindly make sure to enter complete link including http/https

For a period of

You can select more than one option


"Once you register, a confirmation Email will be sent to the above Email ID. Follow the Email instructions to complete registration."
